Charter Arms Hunting Revolver in Sterling Heights
If you asked someone what the name of the signature Charter Arms revolver and the person is will say the Bulldog. These handguns are so accurate that many call it the Charter Arms hunting revolver. This firearm first came out in the early ‘70s and has since gone through a few different iterations, though the basic features have remained the same.
Charter Arms Bulldog Features
The Bulldog takes .44 Special caliber rounds in a snub nose revolver whose barrel length is 2.5 inches. It’s tiny, but it packs a punch. Unloaded, this revolver is only 20.5 ounces and can carry up to five rounds, which doesn’t add a whole lot to its weight. Like all Charter Arms handguns, the Bulldog features the hammer block transfer bar safety system, making it one of the safest revolvers around. This system was actually created by Charter Arms and is one of the most popular systems in use on revolvers.
The entire frame is made from a single piece of steel, which is part of what makes it so light. Charter also cut down on unnecessary moving parts to make the gun as simple as possible. This also helps the prodigious reliability of these firearms. Fewer moving parts means fewer things that can go wrong.
Why Choose the Charter Arms Bulldog
This lightweight handgun is easy to carry and is popular for use as a great concealed carry, self-defense gun. Like most snub-nosed revolvers, the Bulldog is most accurate within a 20-yard range, although many shooters find that the extra rifling makes it more accurate than many guns of its type at longer ranges. Let us help you find the model of Bulldog that works best for you. We have specialists ready to answer all of your questions.
Call us today to place an order, for technical support, or product information.
Phone: 586-275-2176

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