Online Fixed Blade Knives for Sale in Detroit, Michigan
Knives come in two main types: folding and fixed blade. While folding knives have the advantage of being more portable, fixed blade knives are better for defending against larger threats and cutting bigger objects.
Many brands manufacture these knives, but there are a few popular models that have really won over the public.
Among these, there is the Ka-Bar USMC Fighting Knife, the KA-Bar Becker 22, and the Gerber LMF II Survival Knife.
Ka-Bar USMC Fighting Knife
This knife has been used for many years for personal protection and survival. It was first manufactured during the Second World War, and United States Marines Corp adopted it as their standard knife.
KA-Bar Becker 22
The Becker is a bit smaller and much younger than the USMC, featuring a Zytel handle, a 1095 Cro-Van steel blade, and a simple design.
It measures 10.5 inches, and users report it as very tough and durable.
Gerber LMF II Survival Knife
Gerber has a long-standing reputation for making quality knives.
Gerber’s LMF II stainless steel knife is popular for being versatile. Its versatility comes from the knife’s additional features.
The butt cap of the knife is pointed, making it useful for hammering or for breaking glass in case of emergency operations. It can also be made into a spear for hunting or defense thanks to its lashing holes.
The sheath contains a built-in blade sharpener, so the blade never goes dull.
Many believe the LMF II is the ultimate survival knife.
Contact Us Today
There are many knives on the market, but only a few of them are truly iconic.
If you’re looking for online fixed blade knives for sale, check out our website.
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Phone: 586-275-2176
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