Online Fixed Blade Knives for Sale in Sterling Heights
Fixed blade knives can be used for a variety of situations including survival, camping, tactical, or hunting. Because they have no moving parts fixed blade knives are considered highly reliable, strong, and easy to use.
Like their folding counterparts, fixed blade knives are created in a range of sizes, shapes, and materials such as the following:
Daggers are typically small knives that are easy to carry concealed, though most are used for ceremonial purposes rather than as carry pieces. The blade of daggers have two sharp edges that come to a single point.
Hunting knives come in a range of lengths; some can be easily concealed though it’s not usually necessary since they’re mainly used for outdoor tactical purposes. Bear in mind that hunting knives serve a specific purpose in the field, so you’ll likely have more than one knife. For example, your skinning knife wouldn’t be suitable for cutting rope, and neither would be used to gut the harvest. One advantage to using fixed blade hunting knives is that they are easier to keep clean than folding knives, even if they aren’t as compact.
Neck knives are a small knife with blades usually measuring 2 inches to 5 inches long. They’re easy to carry concealed for personal protection. Typically, they’re worn around the neck, held in a sheath under the user’s shirt. Only one edge of the blade is sharp.
Throwing knives are specially designed sport knives rather than tactical or carry pieces. They are weighted and balanced so that they rotate in air and are constructed to take the abuse hitting nearby objects. Many have dull edges and very sharp points; dull edges protect the thrower while the sharp point allows the knife to penetrate its wood target.
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