Semi-Auto Mossberg Shotgun in Sterling Heights
Pump actions are one of the most well-known shotguns in use, as they have a long history beginning back in the late 1800s. However, if you really want to upscale your collection, it’s worth taking a look at a semi-auto Mossberg shotgun.
Types of Semi-Automatic Shotguns
There are two main types of semi-automatic shotguns used today, inertia operated and gas operated. Gas shotguns use the expanded gas from the fired shell which is vented through ports on the underside of the shotgun. These are used to move a piston which is connected to a bolt which works the action. Gas operated shotguns work well with a variety of calibers, and distribute the recoil efficiently, making them softer to shoot.
Inertia operated shotguns utilize the gun’s own recoil to cycle the action by using a bolt head that remains in place when the shotgun recoils. After it fires, a spring throws the bolt backward, ejecting the spent shell. Inertia shotguns shoot cleaner for longer, don’t require a lot of maintenance, are usually lighter than gas operated, and work well in poor weather.
Gas operated are most popular with new shooters, those who need to shoot many rounds in one go, and those who are sensitive to the recoil. Inertia shotguns are preferred by shooters, competitors, and hunters who need reliability above everything else.
Examples of Mossberg Shotguns
The 930 Pro Waterfowl is a 12 gauge semi-automatic with fiber optic front sights that weighs just under 8 pounds empty. It has a capacity of 4 shells in a magazine and 1 in the chamber.
The SA-20 is a gas operated, 20 gauge shotgun that has bead sights. Weighing in at 6.25 pounds, it also has a capacity of 4+1, and as a part of the All Purpose Field Youth Bantam is great for kids and smaller adults.
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