Single Barrel Foldable Rifles in Sterling Heights
If you’re looking for a solid truck, trunk, or backpacking rifle, check out the range of single barrel foldable rifles available. While the first models turned out were a little rough around the edges, there are some beauties out there that, when opened, are solid rifles.
What Is a Folding Rifle
A folding rifle is one that breaks down just in front of the trigger guard and folds. Most of them tend to hold a bit of an angle, so it breaks down in an acute V shape, but don’t worry, there are rifles available that fold as neatly as a pocket knife.
There are a variety of models by different brands out there, and we suggest talking to experts to find the best one for you. As with any rifle, it’s very much a matter of preference and what you intend to use it for.
Who Could use a Folding Rifle
While preppers are the most obvious choice for who would want and use a folding rifle, the truth is that it doesn’t have to stop there.
These rifles can be easily stored, even in your truck, and many people who don’t consider themselves preppers like to keep one in there.
You can use it during hunting season or even as a home defense weapon. It is versatile and easy to operate. While it may not be the first home defense weapon of choice, it can get the job done and provide you with peace of mind.
Those who enjoy a weekend away could use a folding rifle as it packs easily, is easy to clean, and can be used for personal defense or hunting, if the season is right. While the average weight of 4 pounds can be a bit much, it’s nowhere near as heavy as that 6-pound rifle you may have carried in the past.
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Single Barrel Folding Shotgun In Sterling Heights
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