Wilson Knives for Sale in Detroit, Michigan

Wilson Knives for Sale in Detroit, Michigan

Wilson Knives

Wilson Custom Knives was started by Sam Wilson, an Alabama native with a background in construction. He decided to start a knife manufacturing company because he wanted to bring on the market a collection of knives made after his high-quality standards.

How Was the Company Born?

Wilson Knives for Sale

In 1984, Sam became friends with David Winston, a man who was specialized in making handmade knives. After learning the secrets of the trade from this man, Sam Wilson procured the necessary equipment and started his own knife shop by 1995.

In 2000, he moved to Hayesville, NC, where he opened the one-man shop that remains in the same place to this day. Sam himself runs and supervises the entire production process.

About the Products

The shop primarily makes kitchen cutlery, outdoor knives, and hollow handle survival type of knives, as well as custom designs following the customer’s instructions. Regardless of how the knives are going to be used, the company makes sure to respect the highest quality standards when making them.

For more than 25 years, Wilson has produced replacement blades for Comet, Beaver. Eastman, Gerber, Investronics, Gury, K.M, Lectra, Kuris, Maimin, Lightning, and Wolf. The hollow ground knife edge allows for relief from binding, giving it a better and cleaner cut. Only the finest material go into the production of these knives, to ensure a long blade life.

Good knives are hard to come by. In many cases, the blade will not stay sharp for long, or the handle will scratch and break. Changing the blade can cost money and be pretty tiresome. Wilson knives are different; they are made to stay sharp for a very long time, and they are made from the best materials. If you’re looking a great knife that will be useful in countless situations, try out Sam Wilson’s handcrafted knives. You can find them in our store.

Call us today to place an order, for technical support, or product information.
Phone: 586-275-2176
Email: sales@ifatactical.com

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